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•   Coach James Trimmer (Wrestling And Football Coach)  10/24
•   Larry Wiggins  10/24
•   Bettye Kidwell Sparks  10/27
•   Michael Collins (Collins)  10/29
•   Stan Friedman  10/30
•   Laurie Willis  10/30
•   Mike Bell  10/31
•   Michele Peterson  11/2
•   Jay Goldman  11/3
•   Roger Greer  11/3
•   Michael Hitt  11/3
•   Pat Green Dake  11/4
•   George Prato  11/6
•   Susan Singer (Bosco)  11/6
•   Sylvia Hunter/Stocker  11/10
Show More


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 54.0%

A:   290   Joined
B:   247   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Welcome to the official website of Central High School
Phoenix, Arizona, Class of '65

We now have over 300 online members from our graduating class.  If you're a classmate and have not yet joined, just click here How to Join this Website.  If you're already a member, use the site to keep updated and stay in touch with fellow classmates.  Don't forget to periodically update your own profile with your news and photos!

Suffering pandemic fatigue? Permanent mask lines on your face?? Worried about the next mutation? Well, here's a booster!

Central High Class of 65 
56th Reunion - revised

March 12, 2022
Luncheon 12-3 PM

Aunt Chilada's Restaurant
7330 N. Dreamy Draw Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85020


(I did a search of classmates to be sure there was no one named Jenny in our class before posting!)
Details for time, location and registration will be sent to classmates and updated regularly.
If you need help, drop a note to the website administrators via Contact Us.


Everything said at funerals

Should be said at birthday parties instead.

We leave so much 

love unsaid.


The difference between 1965 and 2022

is the same as 

the difference between 1965 and 1907.


Just remember: No matter how old you feel the Class of '63 is always older.




The Central65 website serves as a gathering place for 1965 classmates.
Whenever there's an event like a reunion or an informal get together we'll send around a message to give you the essentials and steer you here for more information, registration or contacts.

It's also the town square for the global village our class now inhabits. A place to keep in touch. You and your classmates are spread out over 33 states and three countries (that we know of) and 85 of us are dead and gone ... that we know of. 

So here's an electronic center to celebrate successes, join a memorial or just stay connected. Don't wait until you get an In Memory announcement! Log into The Chatter for the daily conversation. Let folks hear how you're doing by updating your Profile from time to time. Watch for Profile Updates of classmates, too, where you can drop a thought or reflection. What are you waiting for?

Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing.








10 Really Great Reasons to Go to Your High School Reunion

January 24, 2015 by Kenney Myers


When that invitation to a high school reunion shows up, your first instinct may be to toss it in the trash. After all, adolescence is usually an awkward time that most people would rather forget rather than reminisce about. While many people will say that high school was the best time of their lives, this isn’t always true for everyone. Still, there are plenty of reasons why attending your high school reunion is a good idea. These are ten of the reasons why you might want to think twice before you chuck that invitation into the garbage can.

  1. To Reconnect With Old Friends – Remember the best friend that you talked to for hours every night on the telephone and swore you’d never grow apart from? Unless you’re one of the lucky few, chances are that you haven’t seen one another in years and may even have lost touch altogether. Few events offer the opportunity to reconnect with people that were once important to you like a high school reunion, and you may never see them again if you skip the event.
  2. Because You’ve Changed Dramatically – If you’ve lost a ton of weight or were the ugly duckling that became a swan in college or later in life, there’s something very satisfying about showing up to your high school reunion to flaunt those changes. Poise and confidence often come with age, so you can navigate your reunion much more easily than the halls of your high school.
  3. To Come to Terms With Aging – Seeing new fine lines and more gray hair isn’t easy to deal with for most people. When you arrive at your reunion and realize that everyone is getting older, it can make the experience feel less isolating and help you come to terms with the fact that aging is an inevitable part of life.
  4. Because Living Well is the Best Revenge – High school can be rough, especially for kids that don’t quite fit the mold. If you suffered through high school and have since built a wonderful, rewarding life for yourself despite the bad experiences, showing off your success to the people that treated you badly can be quite vindicating.
  5. To Network – Networking is so important in some fields that there are entire social websites built solely around the premise of helping people to network on a professional level. Attending your high school reunion can be a great experience, but it may also afford you some networking opportunities that you would otherwise miss out on.
  6. To Reminisce – Some people suffer through high school, but there are also those that reveled in the experience. Looking back at your high school career and sharing a few laughs with the people that were by your side for all of those great times can be very rewarding.
  7. To Show Your Spouse Where You Came From – Attending your high school reunion with your spouse is a great way to share a part of your formative years. You can tour your hometown, introduce old friends and share stories that you’d forgotten all about, helping you forge an even stronger bond.  Of course unless you are one of the luckiest people in the world and still married to your high school sweetheart (which is even more of a cause to celebrate with mutual friends)!
  8. To Party Like It’s 1988… Or Something – When careers and kids come along, opportunities to let your hair down can be few and far between. Your high school reunion will give you the chance to dance the night away. Rather than sharing the dance floor with a crowd of college kids at a nightclub, you’ll be surrounded by people your own age rocking out to songs you haven’t heard in years.
  9. To Satisfy Your Curiosity – If you’ve ever wondered where people ended up and what they have done with their lives this is your chance to find out.  Whether it is the motor head that constantly tinkered with his cool car or the nerd that always raised his hand to answer the teacher’s questions, it’s fun to see what became of them.
  10.     10.Because Wall Posts Aren’t Real Conversations – Seeing pictures and FaceBook status updates from your old friends or even sending a few messages back and forth just isn’t the same as seeing them in the flesh and catching up. As hard as it may be to believe, some people don’t even maintain social networking accounts. If you haven’t seen your high school friends since graduation, there’s no better place to catch up than the spot where you all went your separate ways.


Everybody's Got a Story

Now that we've determined you've lived this long, what's up? (If you received this message in error and you are really dead, please notify us so we can update our records.) 2020 has passed, but you haven't so tell us what the year 2020 was like. Special memories? Milestones? Joys? Buckets fullfilled? 

This isn't Facebook, but you do have a lot of friends. 

It's easy. Under Member Functions go to > Edit Profile. Your personal profile page will appear where you can type in Comments or add Photos. Upload from your home photo library or just drag and drop. That Now photo you still have was probably from 2010 when you made your first Classmate Profile. So show your new face.You may look even better!  Your changes will appear in The Chatter and everyone can catch up. Otherwise, you might pass each other on the Echo Canyon trail and never know it.

Everybody's got a story. What's yours?



Don't worry -- Central65 will be here for another 2,000 days.

 Not to worry, we're paid up with ClassCreator through April 4, 2025!

Even if we don't update it as often as we should, important functions like Classmate Profiles, What's New? The Chatter, and Message Center are all on autopilot.  They're here for you everyday. However, if you see one of the site administrators or webpage pilots In Memory, well, you may need some new volunteers to keep the pages up to date and passwords working!


In Memory

Please help us keep our In Memory page up-to-date. At this point in time, we think we're falling behind in learning of those we've lost. If you know of anyone, let us know.

It's important not only to acknowledge those who shared our high school days, In Memory also creates a page for classmates to reflect and add their thoughts and goodbyes to old friends.





Click here to download your complete copy of the 1965 Central High Yearbook!




Important! If your email address becomes inactive, this site continues to receive error messages each time any communication generates from Central65 to your email address, requiring Administrative time to correct/clear. Faulty email addresses also keep you out of the loop from updates on this website, memos sent to all 'Cats or attempts from your fellow classmates to reach you.

Please maintain active email addresses by clicking on EDIT CONTACT INFO. Make necessary changes and click on SAVE CHANGES. If you have difficulty changing your email address, send a message to CONTACT US



Missing Bobcats

Many of our classmates have not yet been located.  This not only prevents them from keeping up to date with Class of 65 happenings (like the 50th Reunion) but it is also a lost opportunity for you keeping in touch with each other. Can you help us find someone? Please click here – Missing Bobcats – to learn how you can be a part of our search team.

 Did you know...???

We led the way when Central High School Class of 1965 started its webpage in 2010. There are now 85 High School Reunion websites in Phoenix that use ClassCreator, seven from Central High School alone: 1965, 1966, 1970, 1972, 1979, 1980, 1998!

Central65 Website
created Feb 20, 2010

Visits to Date